Break away from the herd and find the products you want.
Our new Chrome extension allows you to quickly tag, scan, and analyse almost any retailer or wholesaler website. It works alongside your regular SourceMogul subscription to give you the power to search for products on clearance, or niche sites, whenever you want.
Most FBA online arbitrage software systems work by scanning a pre-defined list of retail and wholesale websites and comparing pricing against Amazon. For the most part, SourceMogul works exactly this way, and this can be a great way to identify profitable products from major retailers and wholesalers.
Our new Chrome extension allows you to find products on websites that are not currently scanned by any of the leading online arbitrage sites. It also allows you to react quickly to last minute price reductions, clearance websites, or events such as Black Friday.
We have made the decision to bundle our new Chrome extension into every SourceMogul subscription free of charge. This gives you the best of both worlds – the ability to scan leading retail and wholesale websites in bulk using our regular product sourcing tool, and now you also have the ability to scan niche websites and clearance sections on your own terms instantly!

Analyse products from a list of pre-mapped sites, or tag & scan your own.
Our Chrome extension provides a list of ‘pre-mapped’ websites that you can scan whenever you like to pull down the latest product information. This is useful for scanning the latest information e.g. a flash sale.
However, there is also the opportunity to pull product information down from almost any website you like. This is useful if you want to source products from a particular niche, or for analysing product information behind a login wall (such as a wholesale website).
Get started with our no obligation free trial.
Get the Chrome extension for free as part of your SourceMogul subscription.